"The most fulfilling path to success is to support others in achieving their goals"
Known as Subject Matter Experts (SME) what sets our programs and workshops apart is the unique blend of psychology and relatable best practice and the time to practice the new skills.
Before any learning takes place, learner centered crafted questions tap into the teams' challenges and barriers to influencing and selling using survey methods. In turn that data creates an engaging session all round the team and their needs. Feedback to also taken to determine the ROI or return on investment showing 100% of the time, a 100% increase in their felt confidence and a NPS or net promoter score of the session at 100%, 100% of the time.
We keep improving our processes and content but we see it really enriches and empowers the team.
"They say so and
so does the data"
We make sense of the complex nature of human behavior and what positive behaviors and habits translate into successful engagement in:
Recommending & Sales
Customer service and CX​
Leadership and Emerging Leaders in Hospitality
Any program can be designed and delivered for any customer facing, sales team
Virtual workshops
In-person training